Tuesday, 18 March 2008

'Circe' - An Introduction

Here's one of your podcasts. It is very good quality - some really good comparisons and excellent points made. Well delivered and well written. You can find out here what 'Circe' actually means, too. If you have time, guys, maybe you could give some feedback on these podcasts - especially the quality of this one.

Circe - Pigging out, feminism stylee

Circe is a figure from Greek myth, a sorceress. Remember that I said that all powerful women who transgress boundaries (that have been set up by men) are labelled as monsters. Here, Duffy takes on the persona of Greece's most famous pig-eating individual. Are men pigs?

Eurydice - Outwitting Patriarchy

Eurydice is one of the few women in the collection to COMPLETELY outwit patriarchy. Find out more here. Interestingly, although I talk about 'Dark Lady' here, I don't mention the reference to the 'White Goddess', who is a figure invented by the poet Robert Graves that he believed was the inspiration for all male poets. The idea of a female muse is one of many dangerous anti-female ideas becasue it silences actual women's voices and identities, as well as positioning men as 'creators of art', leaving women only as subject matter, effectively. Eurydice outwits them all..